Pojem bosáž
Generovaný, orientační výčet dalších tvarů tohoto slova
Komentáře ke slovu bosáž
translation | neregistrovaný | 10.01.2010 13:29 | |||||||||||
"Bosáž" in English mean rustication (architecture). Your names aren't important for us. | |||||||||||||
come on | neregistrovaný | 21.01.2007 17:44 | |||||||||||
what's wrong with you? Isn't it clear that this is a czech dictionary for foreign language words? Neither has the czech word "bosáž" anything to do with your name, nor is Istria in the Czech Republic, but in Croatia. Try contacting somebody from the croatian government. | |||||||||||||
Hello again | NATALIA BOSAZ | 24.05.2005 16:40 | |||||||||||
I forgot to say that my grandfather's name was Antonio Bosaz and his brothers, (who also came here) were Lucca, Jose and Juan. | |||||||||||||
> | bosaz from fiume | marino | 09.02.2006 08:56 | ||||||||||
my grandfather was joe bosaz who had a barber shop in fiume. later the family moved to trieste before ww2. after war 1950 family moved to usa. wife rosina, sons renato [ my dad] and stelio. email me back ,i am sure we are related,but no info on your question but i willask my dad. marino | |||||||||||||
> | > | Diego Bosaz | neregistrovaný | 09.09.2010 02:06 | |||||||||
Hi, I´m Diego Bosaz and my cousins are Martín and Natalia. My grandfather was Antonio Bosaz who was Martin Bosaz´ son. He came to Argentina on the ship VELVEDERE in 1929. May be we are related. My mail is [email protected]. Regards | |||||||||||||
předchozí slovo: » bosa-novanásledující slovo: » bosket, bosketa
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